Peer-Reviewed / Revisados por Pares

Peasant Resistance in Times of Economic Affluence: Lessons from Paraguay, with R. Duarte, J. Mangonet, and M. V. Murillo, Comparative Political Studies, 2024

Witch Hunts? Electoral Cycles and Corruption Lawsuits in Argentina, with E. Gonzalez-Ocantos and G. Tuñón, British Journal of Political Science, 2023

The Pink Tide and Income Inequality in Latin America, with P. Larroulet, W. Long, and N. Lustig, Latin American Politics & Society, Volume 65, May 2023

When the Partisan Becomes Personal: Mayoral Incumbency Effects in Buenos Aires, with A. Lucardi, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 33(4), 2023, 684-704

Does the Monetary Cost of Abstaining Increase Turnout? Causal Evidence from Peru, with G. Tuñón and G. Julcarimna-Alvarez, Electoral Studies, Volume 75, February 2022

Courting Informal Workers: Exclusion, Forbearance, and the Left, American Journal of Political Science, 2020

How Mayors Hurt Their Presidential Ticket: Party Brands and Incumbency Spillovers in Brazil, The Journal of Politics, 2020

When Do the Wealthy Support Redistribution? Inequality Aversion in Buenos Aires, with L. Schiumerini and S. Stokes, British Journal of Political Science, 2020

Argentine Presidentialism: From Crisis to Recomposition of Presidential Power, 2003–2007, with N. Cherny and M. Novaro, in America Latina Hoy, 2010

Other Publications / Otras Publicaciones

The Partisan Paradox of Informal Employment, The Political Economist, Vol. XVI, N. 3, 2021

Labor Informality and Its Political Consequences in Latin America (with A. Baker, S. Berens, and I. Menéndez González), Insight Series, No. 144, 2020

"Sanciones, multas y abstencionismo electoral en el Perú. Tres estudios sobre participación electoral y voto obligatorio" (with C. Jaramillo Huamán, R. Rebata Delgado, G. Julcarima, and G. Tuñón), Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales, 2019

El Tamaño de las Coaliciones Legislativas en Argentina (1983-2008), in A. Mustapic, A. Bonvecchi, and J. Zelaznik (comps.), Los Legisladores en el Congreso Argentino, Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, 2012

Lula y el proceso de adaptación del PT a la hora de gobernar (with V. Palermo), in Revista Argentina de Ciencia Politica, 9/10, 2006

Other Writing / Otros Escritos

"¿Barones del Conurbano? Un Análisis Causal de la Performance Electoral de los Intendentes Bonaerenses" (with A. Lucardi), Foco Económico, August 7th, 2019

“Causas de la distribución desigual de causas en la Cámara Federal porteña” (with G. Tuñón), August 2018

"A significant minority of Americans say they could support a military takeover of the U.S. government," Washington Post, February 16th, 2018

"Yes, U.S. election integrity could be improved. Here’s why the Pence commission probably won’t do it," Washington Post, September 18th, 2017

"The U.S. could be free of gerrymandering. Here's how other countries do redistricting," Washington Post, August 7th, 2017